Saturday, October 30, 2010

Censorship, True or False? Reading Response: Censors Come Calling

Currently, censorship becomes one of most popular global topic.
“The internet opened fresh avenues for free speech and the explosion of ideas. But in some countries loose talk is banned and many are punished for their ideas.”
The Article censors come calling report by Lisa Murray had critical analysis how governments use censorship to protect their own profit where governments seriously hinder freedom of press.

I think that there are basically censor for 2 reasons
1, censor the sexual, violence information to avoid the un-healthy environment for teens;
2, censor information that sensitive to the government or power groups so that to create an “unmistakable”, “objectionable” organization.
 Most people said that censor the sexual, violence information is a good thing to do but the government should not impede the freedom of speech. This is totally contradiction as freedom of press means press freely without any censor, even the sexual, violence press.
so I think there is no absolutely true or false, such as censor the sexual, violence information, teens may quest the censored information just like someone give you a box and told you do not open it, but you may curious what’s in the box. Worse they may do something violence while they don't even know that’s a wrong thing to do.
 Censor the information that sensitive to the government, is it really a bad thing? We know that American is a country that less restraints of freedom press compare to China. China is a censor black hole but I think because Chinese government have been censor hardly so they have a safer, peaceful environment while in America we can always hear about terrorist, war and protest.
There is no absolutely true or false for censorship but the way how you see it.


  1. I absolutely agree with your argument that Internet censorship has its pros and cons. There is no right or wrong way and the idea of implementing internet censorship is subjected to individual's thinking and desire. As for myself, i think internet censorship should be left up individuals to decide as we have the rights to choose for ourselves. As you've said, the reason why censorship is asked to be implemented is because individuals would like to censor out things like sexual violence etc and by doing so you're teaching them to avoid things such as that however i believe that by doing so you're not educating them against it as well. Knowledge is power and it nurture's an individual ability to think for themselves and i believe that is important.

  2. Definitely, U`re right censorship is really grey area and usually it`s difficult to identify the reasons why countries try to hide information. But , I guess, there is more than two reasons for censor the information.Doubtless, in such countries as Vietnam, North Korea or China internet censorship can be justify because of their political regimes. However, for example, in Australia, this strange situation about internet filters , on my point of view, it `s weird. The same with ranking gradation in Europe because of that, i like your headline: "Censorship, True or False? Reading Response: Censors Come Calling" it looks really powerful and identify the general idea of the topic very clearly. Keep going on it will be really interesting to read others post from you about this issue =**
